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Finding Your Soul Family
The Arcturians received by Sal Rachele
September 29, 2004
Dearly beloveds,
We greet you once again, in the Light of our Most Radiant One! We are the
Arcturians, speaking through one of our many channels at this time.
This channel has had the good fortune (actually, synchronicity) to connect
with other Arcturian channels. In fact, just recently he reconnected with
two people from his past that just happen to be among our newest channels.
Coincidence, you say? Nah! What’s happening here is worth discussing with
a larger audience because it involves something that is taking place in
a big way at this time. You, beloved lightworkers of Earth, are beginning
to reconnect with your soul families.
To review, a soul family consists of your original 12 pieces of oversoul
(pieces is not a very good word, but we are limited by this Earth language,
so for now we’ll use it), PLUS a variety of souls who have affinity with
the original 12, commonly called “soul mates” although that term is also
misused. What we mean by this is a collection of souls that have similar
characteristics, similar karma, similar past lives, and similar lessons to
learn on Earth. Often, “soul mates” come from the same or similar Soul Rays.
It used to be, way back in the early days of this New Age, that you would
search for your soul mate. “I’ll meet him/her, and then live happily ever
after.” Then along came teachers who said, “Wait a minute. You can have
more than one soul mate.” Suddenly, you are collecting soul mates all over
the place, both intimate partnerships and otherwise.
There are hundreds of “kindred spirits” or “soul mates” that match up nicely
with each one of you. For the most part, you’ve done your separate thing
in your separate part of the world, perhaps meeting some of our cosmic buddies
now and then, but not always recognizing your connection. All this has changed
as we accelerate into the ascension. Now it seems like your soul family
is coming out of the woodwork, so to speak. People you haven’t talked with
for years are suddenly reappearing. Or you meet someone new who just happens
to be following an amazingly similar path to yours.
In these “last days” of the 3D drama, similar souls are being drawn together
to create a plan for the New Earth. When your visions and dreams are similar,
and your karmic issues are mostly finished, you wield great power when you
come together, either in one-to-one relationships or in small groups. This,
along with the birth of the Indigo and Crystal children, is one of the main
ways the Creator prompts souls to lift humanity in the highest and best
We of the loving higher realms are helping set up these “chance” encounters.
We are working with your own God Presences to plant ideas and suggestions
in your minds and hearts. Whenever possible, and with total respect of free
will, we arrange meetings of kindred souls to gently encourage you to come
together and collaborate. We have met with much success, especially since
the invention of the Internet and other media. Many souls are meeting over
the airwaves at first, and in person later. In reality, the media is simply
an outpicturing of the movement toward greater Oneness. Now it does not
matter if you are thousands of miles apart. Within seconds, you are sharing
thoughts and feelings. And in the years to come, even the current advances
in media will become obsolete, because, dear ones, you will all become telepathic.
We use telepathy as our main means of communication. To us it is natural
and normal. One day soon, it will be natural and normal in your world. And
then there will come the delightful experience of energy merging and blending.
We hate to say it so bluntly, but energy merging has the potential to replace
sex. In our realms, we blend and merge our energy in a way that makes Earthly
orgasms pale by comparison. This is not to judge physical sex or to say
that our merging is superior, but in a way it is, because we merge not only
our sexuality, but our whole beings as well, while at the same time preserving
our individuality and uniqueness.
This is a bit hard to fathom for Earthly minds, because we have often said
that as we ascend into higher planes of awareness, our individuality becomes
less important than our Oneness. Herein lies a paradox of Earthly thought.
For although we become aware of our Oneness, we still retain our individualized
soul patterns. The channel’s favorite analogy is the parent-child relationship.
We are intimately connected to our parents, and yet we go on to become individuals,
no longer dependent on them for our needs. In a sense, as children of God,
the picture is similar, except that we DO depend on Spirit as the intelligent
energy of the Universe. And yet, as we evolve, we become gods in our own
right, capable of creating entire universes of our own. At the same time,
we have an intimate, loving connection with our Creator, our Mother/Father
At this time, much of this seems abstract to you, but in time, you will
understand this more deeply. In the meantime, continue to strengthen your
awareness of your Oneness with the Creator, while at the same time, honoring
your individuality and uniqueness. The soul family is an extension of both
the Creator and individual souls. In this sense, it is unique in that it takes
on a life of its own, but without diminishing the Creator or the individual
souls of which it is made.
Dearly beloveds, you can expect to continue to reconnect and reunite with
other members of your soul family. Rejoice in this, for it is indeed a happy
occasion. We, your elder brothers and sisters from on high, will always
assist you whenever you ask. In the ultimate sense, we are one big Soul
Family and we look forward to the day when you all awaken to this joyous
fact. Peace and blessings to all of you. We are the Arcturians.
Feel free to distribute this as you see fit, giving credit
where due. Sal Rachele, P.O. Box 20545, Sedona, AZ 86341.
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